Mankind bore such heavy weight
Plagued by death’s most certain blow
A full ransom must be paid
T’was our debt alone
Only One could take our place
For the sin of mortal flesh to atone
And this eternal debt eraseNeither sin nor misdeed
Did He commit to this merit
Yet no defense did He speak
In love and obedience He’d bear itThe power was all His
To take up or lay down His life
T’was God’s will in all He did
He was wholly in the right

Nails in His hands and feet
A crown of thorns, pierced in His side
Redemption would be completeGod’s wrath now upon Him
His beloved One and only Son
The sky went dark, all looked dim
No victory seemed to be wonOur sin and our grief surely He bore
Our sorrows He carried
God’s judgement outpoured
The smitten, afflicted, guilt offeringLike a lamb led to slaughter
A sheep to be sheared
Treated as a transgressor
Yet in heaven revered

His words pure truth
Given for guilty men
Yes, for me and for youThe price paid is so shameful
As I think of my sin
T’was mine that He paid for
Yet it’s not where this ends
Three days later
Such joy began to spread
Lives would be changed forever
For He’s alive, He’s not dead!
Just as He promised
Just as He said
Righteousness & Peace kissed
Lovingkindness and Truth met

To whom has it been revealed?
This man despised and forsaken
By His stripes we are healed!
Repent we must do
Our sin we must confess
And accept His payment for you
He has done the rest
Then lift up your head
Rejoice in this true story
He has satisfied our debt
Christ Jesus, the King of glory!
The Story Behind the Poem

The original poem flowed from heart to pen on Good Friday 2013 as I pondered the significance of the day. It took less than 10 minutes to pen and publish it. As I again ponder Good Friday 7 years later in 2020 I decided to share it again. The majority is the same, with only a few changes to the flow.
Not sure why I most easily go to verse to write. I’ve just always liked rhythm and rhyme. The message is one of the harmony between God and man through the cross of Christ. Do you believe?