I ponder His lovingkindnessMore wonderful than lifeAs He speaks He directsIn His way that is rightIf I veer from the pathHe has made to me so clearMy soul would be burdenedAnd so desperate to hearHis Word that speaks so tenderTo my heart, to my soulThe words He gave foreverTo each one in His foldTrust Him on this path tho windingWhat He has will amazeNot only me but othersIt’s what He's … [Read more...] about Commissioned
T'was on Good Friday long agoMankind bore such heavy weightPlagued by death's most certain blowA full ransom must be paidT'was our debt aloneOnly One could take our placeFor the sin of mortal flesh to atoneAnd this eternal debt eraseNeither sin nor misdeedDid He commit to this meritYet no defense did He speakIn love and obedience He'd bear itThe power was all HisTo take up or lay down His … [Read more...] about GOOD FRIDAY